2012. november 18., vasárnap


This day was the same like the others. I woke up at 7 and after when I was ready to go I went to my practice place wich is in Grou. When I was on my way someone stand next to me with a car. There was a woman and ask me am i go to the sisa too. I sad yes and she told me she will take me with car to the sisa. We talked a lot while we on a road, and she was so kind. After we arrived a started to play with the childrens, and after that I made the fruit for them. After the meal we went outside. They played so happily. When we went inside we had lunch. We winished with our meal i had to change someones diaper. And then I cleaned the desk. My worktime was over so I went home and Im relaxed, talked with my family. That was my day :)